Partnering for Change in Sweden
In Sweden an innovative and intersectoral collaboration research program using the Partnering for Change (P4C), a new model in the Swedish school context, is implemented and evaluated in Swedish Schools.
The overall purpose of P4C project in Sweden is:
- To increase pupils’ prerequisites for learning, participation and mental health by creating an inclusive learning environment.
- To build capacity among teachers, occupational therapists (OT) and special education teachers about pupils with special educational needs (SEN).
- To create a supportive and sustainable network for capacity development through the national and international network JIP4L (CLICK here for JIP4L).
- To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of P4C.
Implementation of P4C in Sweden
The implementation of P4C has been studied systematically starting with an exploration phase (2017-2019), followed by a feasibility study (2019-2020), an adaption to the Swedish process (2021-2022), to an ongoing evaluation study (2022-2025).

Exploring P4C and Feasibility study (2017-2021)
The exploration and adaptation of P4C in Sweden started in 2017. In 2019 a feasibility study was performed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptance of P4C, the chosen outcome measurements and weather the P4C needed to be modified to be applicable in the Swedish context.
The results of the feasibility study were positive and showed that P4C was feasible in Swedish school. P4C was considered as an attractive and applicable approach to create supportive and inclusive learning environments.
The Joint Innovation Partnership for Learning (JIP4L) network (2022-2025)
From the feasibility study, the Swedish team recognized that teachers, schools and organizations might require time and continuous support during the implementation of P4C. As such, the Joint Innovation Partnership for Learning (JIP4L) network (Click back to JIP4L), with The Netherlands will be used as a support structure for local implementation of P4C, as well as to spread the P4C nationwide and internationally.
Intervention study (2022-2025)
From 2022-2025, the P4C will be implemented in Swedish elementary schools. Data collection is ongoing and about 400 pupils will be included in the project.
A non-randomized controlled intervention study design with before, after and follow up measurements is used to evaluate how effective P4C is for pupils regarding participation, well-being and mental health related quality of life in school. In particular, pupil’s engagement and occupational performance in school is seen as essential prerequisite for educational success, mental health and participation.
P4C is implemented in collaboration with:
